Posts Tagged ‘cockatiels


Inability to afford a pet on my part constitutes an emergency on your part!

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Need some help; I have a cocktail that needs to go to the vet, to get some broken feathers plucked.
We live in a low-income building and cannot afford to take him to the vet, I have a quote for 150.00 to get it done in a vet now..
Is there anyone who can pay this for us?
We can go to the vet of your choice if need be, but need it done soon.
So u know his name is Franky
he is the white,grey and yellow on the left

Please help us out, you can call me at 303-[redacted] and ask or saul

Hey, did you know that when other people irresponsibly keep pets who they can’t afford to provide humane care for, it’s an emergency for you? That is, if you’re a bird lover. If you don’t want to pay for Saul’s bird’s vet bills, you must just not be a bird lover. In fact, you probably hate birds and wish they’d all die sad, painful deaths of unplucked feathers while their poor, starving owner looks at you with mournful eyes as his children moan for just one more piece of bread, papa. Yes you, bird hater, you’re so cruel, aren’t you?

Don’t even think about suggesting that Saul ask for recommendations for a vet who might take payments. That’s not how a bird lover should talk. Nor should you suggest that Saul take out a loan or, hell, canvass his neighborhood offering to perform 10 odd jobs at $15 each. That’s just insanity. He shouldn’t have to be inconvenienced to free his pet from a painful health problem.

I’ve got an idea: How about someone helps poor Saul by offering Franky a good home in a household where his vet care will be paid for by his owner? Oh, and while you’re at it, perhaps you can relieve Saul of the several other birds he seems to have somehow mysteriously acquired, probably through no fault of his own, I bet they just flew through the window of his “low income building” and demanded expensive food and vet care.

Cockatiels on Cage